Welcome to the site of the deep histories fragile memories artistic research cluster embedded in the network Art & Society at LUCA School of Arts.

Research of the members of dhfm engages with the recuperation of marginalised histories, with ecologies and situated enquiries, with experimental writing, listening, and the shaping of new narratives. This website announces dhfm news, events and publications.
Recent posts
Conference / The Listening Academy
The Listening Academy was held from August 29 – September 4, 2022 at the experimental contemporary art and music space Iklectik in London. The Academy was organised by Lucia Farinati, curator, researcher and writer, co-author of The Force of Listening…
Day of Encounters: Constructed Histories, Conflicted Memories
A day of encounters, presentations and screenings on the historic & contemporary entanglements b/w architecture urban history & colonialism While debates about the conflicted heritage of colonialism have gained momentum worldwide, this conference day confronts the fields of architectural history,…
Artist Talk / (un)common values / National Bank of Belgium / 25/08/2022
Artist Talk connected to the exhibition (un)common values at National Bank of Belgium https://www.nbb.be/en/articles/uncommon-values-contemporary-art-collection-national-bank-belgium-celebrating-its-50th More information: www.nbb-expo.be
Prize / SAR Prize for Excellent Exposition 2021
Fieldguides for a Preternaturalist
An ambulatory library of ten chapbooks that mark a return from Cape Town to Angola. Volumes 1-3 (2022) mark the first leg, from a shrine on Signal Hill to a village in the Kamiesberg, Namaqualand. The guides are Nadia Kamies, Rachel O’Donnell, Joshua Cohen…
Performance / Breathing Barks
Exhibition / NGMI. Solo Alexandra Crouwers
The Return
We are picking a path northwards, along sandy tracks and mountain passes. This is an expedition to be sure. It ghosts an earlier, weightier, expedition that marched out of the Fort of Good Hope with flocks of sheep, herds of…
Learning with the Garden; Learning from the Land
Publication / De Letterzetter
Gather, a Rehearsal
A Reading with the Bodies in the medicinal garden of ‘t Gasthuys. On March 25 the Bodies gathered at the ancient medicinal garden of the museum ‘t Gasthuys, Aalst, for a reading-as-rehearsal of Rachel O’Donnell’s essay Apacina: a Contemporary Herbal and…
Cement and Sacraments
A talk by architectural historian Ellen Rowley on Friday May 20th, introduced by the Department of Ultimology. This talk is part of research by Fiona Hallinan on the coming into being of Ultimology, or the study of endings, and the development…
Open air permanent art installation / ⓘ
Exhibition Cripur Cripour
Cripur Cripour is a nonperformance on migraine and voice, wavering between interactive opera and installation art. Through personal narratives and intimate vocal sounds, singer and sound-artist Mariske Broeckmeyer guides the audience into the blackened scenery of the migraine lands. When…
Publication / WAGMI: an awkward dance of art and crypto
Transatlantic modernisms. Belgium – Argentina 1910-1958
Laurens Dhaenens co-curated the exhibition Belgium-Argentina. Transatlantic Modernisms 1910-1958 together with Adriaan Gonnissen, Emma Driesprong and Juan Cruz Andrada. The exhibition focusses on the artistic connections between Belgium and Argentina in the first half of the 20th century when numerous…
Alvim Corrêa – Ninguém teria acreditado
Laurens Dhaenens curated together with Fernanda Pitta the exhibition No One Would Have Ever Believed: Alvim Correa and 10 Contemporary Artists at the Pinacoteca de São Paulo (04/12/2021-11/04/2022). The exhibition can be virtually visited here. The exhibition showed a new…
Exhibition / A Hysterie
A Hysterie of Guiné Weed and Sorrow Seed, a duet across the Atlantic. Audio installation, cloths of The Company Ghosts, Song Sheet. Exhibition Ninguém teria acreditado, Pinacoteca, Sao Paulo. 04/12/21-04/03/22. Read more
Exhibition / Ninguém teria acreditado / Pinacoteca Brazil / Dhaenens, Morris & Broeckmeyer
The exhibition is a second, larger, iteration of No One Would Have Believed, that ran at Netwerk Aalst a year ago. The exhibition recuperates the historical work of Brazilian-Belgian artist Alvim Corrêa with special attention bestowed on his renowned illustrations…
Notes / Inventory of Memories
Publication / British Experimental Women’s Fiction, 1945—1975
Slipping Through the Labels Our edited collection, featuring work on writers including Storm Jameson, Stevie Smith, Rosamund Lehmann, Anna Kavan, Elizabeth Bowen, Eva Figes, Eva Tucker, Ivy Compton-Burnett, Brigid Brophy, Ann Quin, Christine Brooke-Rose, Shelagh Delaney and Buchi Emecheta, is…
Publication / The Plot, The Compositor, and Mourning/Mistakes
Research Talk / Fiona Hallinan
Fiona Hallinan gives a talk on the form of the radio essay guided by ‘Inside the Department of Ultimology’ a radio essay she co-created with curator Kate Strain / Research in the Arts class. 19/10/21. In this presentation Hallinan will…
Symposium / Sliding Together
Symposium on the occasion of the defence of Maria Gil Ulldemolin’s doctoral thesis Collapse: A Warburgian Autotheory of Impacted Interiorities and Folding Bodies / UHasselt / Sept 16 With Barbara Baert, Edith Dekyndt, Hannah Van Hove, Wendy Morris and Mia…
Publication / Fieldguides for a Preternaturalist
Suspended between the mundane and the miraculous. The Fieldguides are an upcoming publication series of single-essay chapbooks. They are a deep histories fragile memories collaboration with the Berlin publisher K Verlag, kunsthal Netwerk Aalst, and LUCA. The fieldguides are funded…
ⓘ / information panels
The Unreal: first notes on Non-Fungible Tokens
The Astronaut Metaphor
The Astronaut Metaphor is a three year programme of Netwerk Aalst in which a group of artists, curators, writers and researchers are invited to reflect on forms of governance whilst simultaneously infiltrating Netwerk Aalst’s programme and institutional model. The participants…
Meeting / dhfm
Deep histories fragile memories meeting on the occasion of the No One Would Have Believed exhibition at Netwerk Aalst 26/02/21 Our expanded research cluster met for the first time this year, in part virtually, in part in person. Anja Veirman…
Funding / Multi-stakeholder Grant
Multispecies justice and repair: Forging epistemic encounters between Belgium and South Africa. Researchers Belgium: dr. Wendy Morris (KU Leuven, Luca) & dr. Brunilda Pali (KU Leuven). Researchers South Africa: dr. Clifford Shearing (UCT), Dr. Annette Hübshle (UCT), Ashleigh Dore (Endangered…
The seeds of Wild Carrot / contraceptive
Small packages of wild carrot seed (Daucus carota) were included in one of the letters of the Lost Volumes. Each package contains one teaspoon of wild carrot seed, the amount a woman would need to chew as a ‘morning after’…
Writing / Lost Volumes
At the edge of a field in West Flanders is a strange construction. A box of sorts, a brown, corrugated iron cabin with a steeply sloping roof that faces across fields towards a narrow channel of river. The construction has…
5 Minute presentation The Postresearch Condition
The 2021 EARN/NWO Smart Culture Conference took place January 26 – 30, 2021. It was organized in collaboration with HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, NWO (Dutch Research Council), and BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht. For the Value round…
Publication / Impulsive Incantations – Voicing Migraine / JAR
This article by Mariske Broeckmeyer is published in the latest edition of the peer reviewed Journal for Artistic Research. When migraine arrives, not only the body suffers. The voice too is impacted by a condition that introduces itself with such…
Practice Sharing
Society for Artistic Research Special Interest Group: Language-based Artistic Research. The new Special Interest Group: Language-based Artistic Research has been launched with an online presentation of expanded approaches to language-based practice within the field of artistic research. Over 70 individuals…
Publication / The Compositor Composing
The Plot.
Publication / Forum+
In the latest edition of the artistic research journal Forum+ three dhfm members, Hannah Van Hove, Joeri Verbesselt and Mariske Broeckmeyer, publish their writings. Hannah Van Hove: In vijf reflecties verkent Hannah Van Hove, vanuit haar eigen schrijf- en onderzoekservaringen,…
Essay /// Handtassen van jeansbroeken.
No One Would Have Believed
Announcement / Exhibition by Wendy Morris and Runo Lagomarsino / Curated by Laurens Dhaenens and Fernanda Pitta / Netwerk Aalst 14.11.2020 – 13.02.2021 This is the announcement for an upcoming exhibition at Netwerk Aalst. Three deep histories fragile memories members…
Music /// Botanical Bodies / Kaap
Botanical Bodies herwerkt de muziek van Hildegard von Bingen in een gedurfde en eigentijdse geest. Deze visionaire, genezer, botanicus, feministe en componist uit de 12e eeuw creëerde fascinerende werken met vocale muziek terwijl ze werd gekweld door migraine.Dit lichamelijke lijden…
Conference / Ethnographic Returns
Anja Veirman was selected to present her research project “Experimental ethnographic participative methods as forms of collective knowledge production. Senufo mud cloth production and the making of new narratives” at The Ethnographic Returns Conference of The Museum of World Culture…
Launch of new site : midwif
Midwif is a new blog, a sub-blog of dhfm, that connects an international cluster of artists, writers and researchers around the figure of midwif as a knot at the centre of an entanglement of ideas around women’s medicinal plant knowledge and practices,…
Mistakes: the artist talk
On Longing: a dioramic residency
Travelogue of the Wandering Womb, Her Fantastic Encounters and Curious Utterings: With the Matriarchal Ginkgo. 2019. Wendy Morris A stone’s throw from the site of last year’s Fantastic Encounter with the Matriarchal Ginkgo is ‘t Gasthuys, the city museum of…
A conversation
Lab North
The Three Motions of Loom
The exhibition ‘The Three Motions of Loom’ opened Sunday, December 15 at the Antwerp Art Pavilion (next to the MAS Museum) in Antwerp. It’s running until February 16 2020. Jeroen Olyslaegers read from his novel-in-progress ‘Wildevrouw’, which was the starting…