Welcome to the site of the deep histories fragile memories artistic research cluster embedded in Intermedia (LUCA School of Arts, Brussels).

Research of the members of dhfm engages with the recuperation of marginalised histories, with ecologies and situated enquiries, with experimental writing, listening, and the shaping of new narratives. This website announces dhfm publications, events and news, and the Fieldguides for a Preternaturalist (dhfm/K. Verlag).
Recent posts
CUTE – Curatorial Transnational Exchange Research Network
During a research stay at MAC USP (March-April 2024), Laurens Dhaenens, Anneleen Masschelein and Fernanda Pitta founded the Curatorial Transnational Exchange Research Network, or the CUTE network. The objective of CUTE is to foster international (artistic) research projects, scientific and…
Fieldguide Gathering / Strain Against the Archives
Polyvocal Reading of Fieldguide vol 1 with Orlando Preternaturalist, Nadia Kamies and Ten Voices at ESALA / Adam House Basement Theatre / Edinburgh / December 3, 2024
13.10.2024: Waker, Slaper, Dromer, Bierum, NL
3.10.2024: Land Art Lives – Conference, Kunstmuseum M. & Land Art Flevoland, Agora, Lelystad, NL
Bitter Walk Wind Sing
The Company of Fifty carried the Midwife’s Herball out to meet the winds of the North Sea. De Langste Dag. Saturday 29, June 2024, Western Breakwater, Ostend, Belgium. Bitter Walk Wind Sing is a part of Wendy Morris’s Recuperating a…
Essay ‘The Forest Echoes Back’ in Kunstlicht – Journal for Visual Culture
The essay ‘The Forest Echoes Back—Retracing Ecological Narratives Through Listening to the Thuringian Forest’ was recently published in Kunstlicht—Journal for Visual Culture—Vol. 45, no. 1/2 REVERBERANT ECOLOGIES: ON THE RELATIONAL IMPACT OF SONIC PRACTICES. Abstract: The Thuringian Forest in Germany…
Writing to Listen
Two-day writing workshop with Kate Briggs and Kate Pullinger / June 1 & 2 / Rotterdam / In his book Landmarks, the English nature writer Robert McFarlane advocates for the creation of “a glossary of enchantment for the whole earth,…
An Ear to Ethnobiologists
Setting up a series of DIALOGUES with ethnobiologists for the project ‘A Certain Herb’. Last week the project ‘A Certain Herb’ travelled to Marrakech, Morocco, to the Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiologists: Biodiversity and Cultural Landscapes: Scientific, Indigenous…
In the Making – Ecology and (Sounding) Art at West/The Hague
On March 24, I talked about my research and did a live reading of the audio essay H(a)unted Listening on the In the Making – Ecology and (Sounding) Art event by ACPA Leiden and West in The Hague. About In…
‘A Forest Lament’ at the Botanical Garden Gent
07.05.2024 Performance of ‘A Forest Lament’ at the book launch of Nele Buyst’s poem collection ‘CORPS, poreus’ (published by Het Balanseer) in the Palmarium of the Botanical Garden in Gent. More information here A Forest Lament – Due to climate…
‘Between the Lines’ & ‘Natura Rebellis’ at O. & V2_, Rotterdam, NL
1-day Exhibition | The Diviners Are Not The Authors Of The Utterings
‘LUNÄ Talk’ and performance ‘Electrify Everything’ at group exhibition ‘Power Up’, Kunsthalle Mulhouse, FR
Première of new iteration of ‘Electrify Everything at Biennale Nova_XX, Paris, FR
Exhibition | Hydromedia: Seeing with Water
Between the Lines @ Winter sessions, V2_ Lab for Unstable Media, Rotterdam, NL
‘Game Calling’ and Mimetic Practices
Paper by L. Dhaenens published in MODOS Art History Journal
Sympathy or strategy? A close look at the Belgian exhibitions of modern and contemporary art organized in Argentina in 1946 and 1948. The paper explores two Belgian art exhibitions that took place in Buenos Aires in 1946 and 1948: the…
Seminar: Emptiness and Infinite Space VII
Marjolijn Dijkman @ LASER Talk Antwerp: Restoring the Human Element
Start WaterLANDS Residency
Dhfm meeting at Meise Botanical Gardens
For a first meeting of this semester, and to welcome Marjolijn Dijkman into the research group, we met at the Botanical Gardens at Meise. In the glasshouse: Alexandra Crouwers, Laurens Dhaenens, Wendy Morris, Nico Boons, Renée Turner and Marjolijn Dijkman….
De-/centering World’s Fairs: Representing Latin American ‘Peripheries’ in Arts and Fashion
Laurens Dhaenens participates in the conference De-/Centering World Fairs, organized at Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, Paris. For the full program see: https://raltac.hypotheses.org/2437. He will present the paper Sympathy or strategy? A close look at the Belgian exhibitions of modern and…
Procession of Contraceptive Plants and Forgotten Midwives / video
The Procession is a part of Nothing of Importance Occurred, a project of recuperation of a Herball for a 17th century Angolan midwife at the Cape, South Africa. This project explores the knowledge that midwives and women of the 17th century…
Artistic Research Project at Middelheim Museum / Discussion between Wendy Morris and curator Pieter Boons
In residence at Middelheim Museum, Wendy Morris is exploring how knowledge of plant-based contraception has been passed down clandestinely for centuries. Curator Pieter Boons spoke with the artist about the many themes in her work: about our lost relationship with…
Hydromedia residency & invitation for a symposium
Residency at Art Lab Gnesta
H(a)unted Listening / Radio essay premier at Radiophrenia / September 2nd
H(a)unted Listening is an experimental radio essay about a hunter and a field recordist. A haunted encounter on a misty November morning in a forest in East Germany is the departure for a reflection on (sound)hunting, female forest presence and…
The Forest Radio is online!
How does a forest sound that is changing, disappearing? How will a forest sound without a forest? Listen here >>> https://theforestechoesback.online The Forest Radio is a live stream radio transmission from a bark beetle-infested site in the Thuringian Forest and…
Listening to Trees / w Bart Backaert at Stadpluraal – Recyclart / September 6th
What stories do the trees in our neighbourhood tell? How do they interact and communicate with each other? When does an ‘invasive’ tree become a ‘native’ tree? What happens when we start listening more to the ecology in our environment?…
(Un)recording the Field / Presentation at the ‘Time to Listen’ Conference
On 19th and 20th August 2023, inm/field notes and the Academy of Arts welcomed participants to the conference »Time to Listen – Sustainability in Contemporary Music«. Musicians, artists and researchers were invited to reflect on the relationship between sound and…
! Call to Participate !
Since January Wendy has been working in commission of the Middelheim Museum on a new performance work in which the virtues of medicinal plants growing in the park – and more specifically indigenous contraceptive plants – are central. On June…
The Forest Echoes Back @ Reveil 2023
Reveil is a 24-hour live radio transmission of the dawn chorus around the globe. >>>>>>> Listen here <<<<<<< “Reveil (2014—) is a collective production by streamers at listening points around the earth. Starting on the morning of Saturday 6 May…
Strain Against the Archives / Fieldguide Gathering / Cape Town
A gathering around Fieldguide #1, UNPICK, RESTITCH – Doilies, Medorahs, Labouring Plants by Nadia Kamies. UNPICK, RESTITCH narrates an archive of the ordinary. It insists on story-telling as method. There are family photographs, hand-crocheted doilies and medorahs – Nadia’s grandmothers’…
There, Listening / Fieldguides Gathering / Kamiesberg
A three-day gathering in Kamiesberg/Namaqualand. We started the gathering on the first day with a joint reading in Paulshoek of Fieldguide #3 – There Listening: Plant Perspectives on Healing and Power/’n Plant se Perspektiewe van Krag en Genesing, written by…
Listening Fields #1
Mark the date! April 7th, 2023 – 12 noon The first episode of Listening Fields will be broadcasted on Radio Panik. Listening Fields is a bi-monthly radio show that oscillates around various listening and field recording practices and the discourse…
Fieldguide Gathering / Strain Against the Archives
Fieldguide Gatherings / South Africa
Unruly Procession of Contraceptive Plants / taking shape in the Braem pavilion
photo Tom Cornille Middelheim Museum / Reading the Landscape
The Annotated Garden
Does sex matter? Women artists and gender diversity in museums and the art world.
Study day March 8, 2023 at the Yper Museum
Louise De Hem, De zwarte kat, 1902 (Stedelijk Museum Ieper) Laurens Dhaenens was invited to participate in a study day on gender diversity and museum collections. A brief report of the talks and discussions can be found on the FARO…
Artist Research Project / Reading the Landscape / Middelheim Museum
Lost in the gallery: Ips typographus in contemporary art.
Rooted Encounters / Fields, Forests and Other Imaginings Recap Day 2 Part 2
Rooted Encounters / Fields, Forests and Other Imaginings Recap Day 2 Part 1
Rooted Encounters / Fields, Forests and Other Imaginings Recap Day 1 Part 2
Rooted Encounters / Fields, Forests and Other Imaginings Recap Day 1 Part 1
Rooted Encounters / Fields, Forests and Other Imaginings
Symposium and Fieldguide Gathering / Nov 8 & 9 / Deep Histories Fragile Memories research group organizes a symposium on pluralist entanglements of artistic thinking with other research ecologies and considers art’s potential for making a stand within current challenges….
Exhibition / Smaller Worlds. Diorama in contemporary art.
Un-Conference Media & Culture
Laurens Dhaenens presented his research project Beyond the Canon: A Digital Art Historical Approach to the International Circuit of Belgian Modern Art Exhibitions in the First Half of the Twentieth Century at the UN-Conference DigiSoc Work Group Culture & Media…