Dhfm meeting at Meise Botanical Gardens

For a first meeting of this semester, and to welcome Marjolijn Dijkman into the research group, we met at the Botanical Gardens at Meise.

In the glasshouse: Alexandra Crouwers, Laurens Dhaenens, Wendy Morris, Nico Boons, Renée Turner and Marjolijn Dijkman. At the table: Renée, Marjolijn, Nico, Hannah Van Hove, Wendy and Laurens. Photo by Alexandra. We missed Nele Möller who was sick.

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artist researcher

Wendy Morris (1960) is a South African artist and researcher living in Belgium. Morris is professor in contemporary arts at the University of Leuven and LUCA School of Arts, Brussels, and senior researcher with the deep histories fragile memories research group.
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