Fieldguide Gatherings / South Africa

In April deep histories fragile memories are organizing two sets of Gatherings in South Africa in collaboration with the authors of the Fieldguides.

Fieldguide 3 / There, Listening / Three day Gathering in Namaqualand / Paulshoek, Nourivier and Leliefontein / April 6-8, 2023 / with co-authors Joshua Cohen and Johanna (Marianna) Lot

Gatherings funded by Luca Breakout / a deep histories fragile memories research event

Fieldguide 1 / Strain at the Archives / Two day Gathering in Cape Town / Signal Hill on April 13 & the Cape Medical Museum on April 15, 2023 / with author Nadia Kamies

Gatherings funded by Luca Breakout / a deep histories fragile memories and Cape Town Museum event

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artist researcher

Wendy Morris (1960) is a South African artist and researcher living in Belgium. Morris is professor in contemporary arts at the University of Leuven and LUCA School of Arts, Brussels, and senior researcher with the deep histories fragile memories research group.
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