Reading the Curtain and The Three Motions of Loom

Alexandra Crouwers. The Three Motions of Loom. Leporello, folder, A4 folded to 10cm x 21cm. First print edition of 10, including numbered woven sample. Stamped dhfm. 2019. Published as part of the dhfm meeting at Vleeshuis museum, Antwerp and the exhibition The Three Motions of Loom.

See also this post.

Hoda Siahtiri, Mariske Broeckmeyer and Joeri Verbesselt listening to Alexandra Crouwers reading the curtain. Photo by Wendy Morris.
Follow Alexandra Crouwers:
Alexandra Crouwers (NL, °1974) is a visual artist working in the digital realm. Her works are made by using a combination of 3D modeling and animation, and post-production, and can take many forms. From 2019 on, she's a doctoral researcher in art and animation at Leuven University/LUCA School of arts, Brussels, under supervision of Wendy Morris.