The exhibition is a second, larger, iteration of No One Would Have Believed, that ran at Netwerk Aalst a year ago. The exhibition recuperates the historical work of Brazilian-Belgian artist Alvim Corrêa with special attention bestowed on his renowned illustrations of HG Wells’ War of the Worlds. The curators, Fernanda Pitta and Laurens Dhaenens invited ten contemporary artists to respond to Corrêa’s dark and fantastic visions and to expand the discussion to aspects that transverse history such as colonialism, war, violence, prejudice, fear and desire.
Wendy Morris, in collaboration with composer Mariske Broeckmeyer, is showing a new audio installation, A Hysterie of Guiné Weed and Sorrow Seed that comprises a duet between two weedworts with very old histories of use by women – Petiveria alliacea and Momordica charantia, three hanging cloths of The Company Ghosts and the Song Sheets with the lyrics of the duet.
Other artists include Alex Cerveny, Hair, Denilson Baniwa, Fernando Gutiérrez Huanchaco, Guerreiro do Divino Amor, Ilê Sartuzi, Luiz Roque, Rivane Neuenschwander, and Runo Lagomarsino.
A catalogue has been produced.
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