research blog

For my research, I’ve set up a separate blog. Sometimes blogposts will appear both at and at

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The research blog is made for several reasons: the posts collect all that has to do with the research, it functions as a reminder, and as a way to communicate progress and findings. Please keep in mind this blog is a work in progress.

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  • This chapter (in progress) touches upon the contradictory nature of the habitat diorama in particular. Featuring Karen Wonders, Donna Haraway, Palais de Tokyo and Ludwig Museum Budapest.
  • Article for HART art magazine about collecting digital art in the NFT space. Published on paper in issue 222, March 2022 in tandem with the first of an online column series highlighting a work from my collection.
  • A peer reviewed publication, as part of VIS Nordic Journal for Artistic Research issue #6, Contagion by Alexandra Crouwers. October 19, 2021.
  • Moesgaard Museum's digital stereoscopic prehistory dioramas. Visited Augustus 2021. Aarhus, Denmark.
  • NFTs: an adventuresque experimenza into the Unreal world of crypto-art.
  • A review of the ‘Living Planet‘ hall, at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels, visited in January 2021. In September 2020, The Museum of Natural Sciences announced a new permanent exhibition called ‘Living Planet’. This addition even made the news. The museum is very proud of it. Unfortunately, all I saw was a terribly […]
  • Meet my PhD team: Wendy Morris (promotor), Jan Verpooten (co-promotor), Theun Karelse (advisor), and Sepideh Karami (advisor).
  • The Compositor: reading the tunnels by turning them into a font.
  • Attempting to make artistic additions to the internet and consumer technology: the emoji.In June 2020, I submitted two proposals for emoji, to be added to the expanding digital pictogram vocabulary.
  • Preface What are GIF animations and stickers? What is GIPHY? What is an Instagram Story? Why are GIFs used? An overview. GIF animations & Stickers GIF is the abbreviation for Graphic Interface Format, using the extension .gif. An animated GIF is, simply put, a digital file that loads images into a stack, and is able […]
Follow Alexandra Crouwers:
Alexandra Crouwers (NL, °1974) is a visual artist working in the digital realm. Her works are made by using a combination of 3D modeling and animation, and post-production, and can take many forms. From 2019 on, she's a doctoral researcher in art and animation at Leuven University/LUCA School of arts, Brussels, under supervision of Wendy Morris.